Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Perfect Picture for Your Blog? Labeled for Non Commercial Reuse!

Source: Mike Seyfang via Flickr, CC license

I found a post from one of my classmates that really got my attention:

As a reader, I love blogs with simple design and pictures. I think it’s more enjoyable to read. And as a writer, I always use some images to make my blog looks attractive. After reading the post, I kept asking myself: Have I ever given proper attention to the images I am using? Is it copyrighted? Is it royalty-free?

The answer is NO.

Yes, I always put the link from where I got the images but nothing more. I then spent my afternoon googling about this particular topic. I realized that many bloggers decided to use disclaimer such as: “this blog claims no credit…” and so forth. Oh okay then, I thought, as long as I put this and reference my sources then I'll be fine. But wait… apparently NO! Disclaimer or citing the sources are not enough to protect us from being sued by the copyright holders. One blogger shared her experience on being sued and I captured some parts of her post (full article here).

Quite scary, right? I believe the lines between public domain and intellectual property rights are getting blurred when it comes to Web 2.0 and any of us could have done such mistakes simply because of not knowing the dos and the don’ts. What do you think? To what extent should we respect others intellectual properties – particularly for non-commercial reuse? Are we being too ignorant and disrespectful toward other creators all this time?


  1. Nadia,
    Thank you for this post and the specific example of someone who got caught. Copyright should be the FIRST thing we discuss in digital production and ethics, not an after thought. We need an educated and ethical society.

  2. Yes, scary! Tons of great resources are available all the time and "copy and paste" is very easy thing to do in this online world. Often we just forget the fact that though people share their works online but most their works are protected by copyright. We should get their permission before using them. Have you checked Michelle's blog? Michelle also discuss the copyright issue in her blog post, here
    Thank you for sharing, Nadia!

    1. Yes, Jiyae. It was her post that motivated me to find out more about this issue. I linked her post in the beginning of this post, actually. Really interesting for someone who tends to overuse search results on Google Image (me!). :)


Creative Commons License
This work by Nadia Andayani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.